Gamer's Life

I sat on the edge of my throne.
The news i had just heard was wonderful!
My Father's crown,only a small bit inside of some cave!
I could truly become the High King!If i succeded in my task,that is.
I equipped the mace in wich i had bound the soul of a Sun God.
The Shield Of Earth,Which,i was told,Was stronger than Darksteel.
and the Armor of Gaia,Made of the skin of the Earth God.
I was ready.
I strode in to the dark cave,confident in my abilities.
Wait,what was that noise?
Oh no.
There was one thing i didn't have...
...A Lantern...
"You were eaten by a Grue."
No matter,i would just reload a save that i had.
A cold feeling of dread hit me
I did remember to save,didn't i?
I checked the save files.
"Last save:12.15.2007"
And that my friends was what made me stop gaming all together.
And then a skeleton popped out.All that was left after the Grue was done with me.